Category Archives: Pension Funds

Apollo Liquidity August Update

our model portfolio continues to behave with no changes over the period. Feel free to contact us for more details Apollo Liquidity factsheet Aug 2012

Posted in Alternative Investments, Hedge Fund Portfolio Construction, Hedge Funds, Investors, Pension Funds, wealth management | Leave a comment

Apollo Liquidity May update

For May we have produced the usual monthly factsheet presenting the profile of the simulated portfolio as usual, but we are adding the analysis of Apollo liquidity “live”, the paper version of the portfolio we monitor, including the historical impact … Continue reading

Posted in Alternative Investments, Hedge Fund Portfolio Construction, Hedge Funds, Investors, Pension Funds, wealth management | Leave a comment

Analysis of the relationship between Sovereign CDS and Sovereign Bonds spreads

As CDS and more specifically Sovereign CDS have come under political scrutiny, we thought it would be useful to have a more impartial view on the relationship between Sovereign CDS and the Sovereign spreads. Academic research centre EDHEC-risk devoted efforts … Continue reading

Posted in Alternative Investments, Hedge Funds, Investors, Market Comments, Pension Funds, wealth management | Leave a comment

Apollo liquidity Apr 2012

dear Readers, please find the April updates under the new format we announced in March. feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss our investment methodology. the main aspects to remember are the investment constraints: – low … Continue reading

Posted in Alternative Investments, Hedge Fund Portfolio Construction, Hedge Funds, Investors, Pension Funds, wealth management | Leave a comment

Apollo liquidity Mar 2012

This month we have made some changes in the portfolio motivated by: – the introduction of new managers on the  managed accounts platforms that constitute our universe – the withdrawal of some managers. this has led us to change the … Continue reading

Posted in Alternative Investments, Hedge Fund Portfolio Construction, Hedge Funds, Investors, Pension Funds, wealth management | Leave a comment

Apollo liquidity Feb 2012


Posted in Alternative Investments, Hedge Fund Portfolio Construction, Hedge Funds, Pension Funds, wealth management | Leave a comment

Apollo liquidity Jan 2012


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Apollo liquidity 2011 analysis

through a very difficult year for active managers, αpolloTM liquidity, our hedge fund model portfolio exhibited slightly disappointing performances, experiencing its first negative year ever… Apollo Liquidity 2011

Posted in Alternative Investments, Hedge Fund Portfolio Construction, Hedge Funds, Investors, Pension Funds, wealth management | Leave a comment

Apollo Liquidity December Update

Apollo Factsheet

Posted in Hedge Fund Portfolio Construction, Hedge Funds, Investors, Pension Funds, wealth management | Leave a comment

Happy New Year

New Year 2012

Posted in AIFMD, Alternative Investments, Compliance, Hedge Fund Portfolio Construction, Hedge Funds, Investors, Market Comments, Markets and Regulations, Pension Funds, Risk Metrics, Risk Reporting, UCITS, wealth management | Leave a comment